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List Your Business Free in Just 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

Create Account

Start with mobile number.

Step 2

Select Category

Select listing categories

Step 3

Enter Business Details

Name, address, hour, photos.

Dive into a Lively Business Network

Numerous small firms have gained new patrons via Coozera.


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Frequently asked questions

Ask everything you need to know about our products and services.

Q. How can Coozera help increase my business's visibility? +

By joining Coozera, your business will be listed in a local search engine that is used by millions of users to find services in their area. Coozera promotes businesses based on package subscriptions, meaning that with a premium package, your business will be prioritized in search results, significantly increasing visibility to potential customers​

Q. How does Coozera's lead generation work? +

When users search for services on Coozera, they can submit their personal details to receive quotes from businesses. These details are then shared with relevant businesses, allowing you to quickly respond to potential leads and convert them into customers. This system ensures you are connected with local users actively seeking the services you offer​.

Q. What additional features does Coozera offer to premium business partners? +

Premium business partners on Coozera receive enhanced visibility in search results, access to user information for targeted marketing, and the ability to showcase more detailed business profiles. This includes customer reviews and ratings, which help build trust and attract more customers. Additionally, premium listings are often highlighted, making them stand out to users browsing the platform​

Q. How does Coozera ensure I get relevant local leads? +

Coozera uses an advanced algorithm to match users with the most relevant businesses based on their search criteria and location. When users input their requirements and pincode, Coozera filters the available businesses to show those that best meet the user's needs. This ensures that the leads you receive are highly relevant and from users who are specifically looking for services in your area​ By optimizing lead relevance, Coozera helps you focus your efforts on potential customers who are most likely to convert, thereby increasing your chances of successful business engagements.

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Can't find the answer you're looking for ? please chat with our friendly team.


  • Enhance your profile for better online discoverability.
  • Boost client interaction by addressing their feedback.
  • Display your enterprise with images and clips.

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